Island Realty Group, LLC.

Maximize Your Space!

Furnishings to Maximize Space in a Smaller Home

If you dwell in a small house, apartment or condo, space is at a premium. On the plus side, that means you probably aren’t keeping a lot of unnecessary junk around. A small living space really teaches you what you do and do not need. However, the right furnishings allow you to make the most of the space you have and not turn you into an involuntary ascetic. When planning to put your home on the market, it’s essential to make your home look as comfortable – and spacious – as possible.

Get Rid of Clutter
Nothing makes a room look smaller than a lot of clutter. Choose chic furnishings that maximize storage space. Some suggestions:
• Kitchen/work table that can also store pots and pans
• Coffee tables with lift-able lids
• Apothecary tables

Hide storage bins under the bed or in other, easily accessible areas. That’s the place to put out of season clothing – although there are fewer items in that category in Hawaii – while reserving your day-to-day wear for your precious closet space. For your closet, invest in shoe organizers and other practicalities for maximum organization and space-saving.

Go Full Size

Choosing smaller furniture for a small space seems to make sense, but it actually makes rooms look tinier. While you don’t want huge pieces that can overwhelm a room, pick conventionally-sized furnishings that add to the idea of normal proportions. What you can do is choose furniture serving more than purpose, such as a convertible sofa or daybed that can double as a guest bed.

Hang’em High

Make your walls and ceiling seem higher by hanging artwork above eye level. If guests or potential buyers have to look up at the art, the brain registers the setting as taller.

The Bathroom

If your home only has one bathroom, it’s easy for it to become clutter central. Make it space-saver central instead, with attractive shelving over the toilet and a raised vanity for additional storage space. Opt for rounded vanities rather than square – they take up a bit less space, and no one gets hurt by accidentally bumping into it in a tiny bathroom.


Although “room” delineation in a studio or small apartment doesn’t involve furniture per se, it does address the flow of space. For example, in a studio apartment, use different – but complementary – paint colors for delineation. You might use three separate wall colors that are all “cool,” which helps separate the kitchen from the living area from the bedroom. Separating spaces in a studio – and paint color is just one way to do this – really helps to corral guests in certain areas of the apartment.

Contact Us

If you’re looking to buy or sell a home, call Island Realty Group, LLC today at (808) 689-7407. We’ll help you sell your current house and find you the house of your dreams.